Here are some questions and answers that some people have asked throughout the years; and little tidbits about myself...

How old are you; and where are you from?
I'm 26, and I've always lived in Northwest Indiana. Growing up, I dreamed of moving away and traveling, but never was able to get as far as some of my friends and family were able to. Now, having a family of my own, I'm content staying in the area for now, because the majority of our family lives here... I'd only relocate for graduate school; and we'll see where life takes us when it comes time to officially fill out applications.

Why do you have this blog?
This blog actually blossomed from ideas I had regarding a blog that I had started to chronicle my pregnancy. I realized a few months ago that I love sharing our greatest moments as a family with everyone; and I didn't want to take away from my blog for Madeline by posting there.

You're married... But you're a widow?
Yes. Previously, both Aaron and I were married to other individuals. While his marriage ended in a divorce, my first marriage ended when my first husband, Dan -- whom I do mention in posts from time to time, passed away. Dan was 29 and I was 22, when he passed away due to his liver failing.
The lessons I learned while married to him have forever impacted me in the greatest ways possible, as my journey with him taught me how important it is to cherish all moments throughout our lives and to constantly strive to make every day count.
In the few pictures I am in and you're able to see the tattoo on my chest, know that it's for Dan.

What do you love most about life?
Aside from my family and friends... I love nature. Though, more specifically, I love meteorology and just being outdoors observing the weather. Much of my childhood was spent outdoors; I love thunderstorms and related severe weather; and tornado chasing is on my bucket list.
A lot of people tell me that Madeline is just like me, because already we seem to share a lot of mutual interests... I love that my love for these things is already starting to rub off on her. 

What other social media do you use?
I'm on Facebook, just as much as anyone else. I also use Instagram a lot to document a lot of the awesome moments my family shares with each other; and I also use Twitter.

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